What is Eyebrow Transplantation? Eyebrow transplantation is the process of transplanting the hair follicles taken from the nape of the neck to the eyebrow area of the eyebrows that are sparse or reduced as a result of shedding. Eyebrows are an important part of facial expression and greatly affect facial expression. Sparse eyebrows can make a person look older, tired or sad. Eyebrow transplantation helps people to correct their facial expression and achieve a more natural appearance.
How is eyebrow transplantation performed?
Eyebrow transplantation is performed with local anaesthesia. The procedure takes 2-4 hours on average. There may be swelling and crusting after the procedure. This condition is temporary. Eyebrow transplantation can be applied with two different techniques:
FUE method: It is a widely used method in eyebrow transplantation. In this method, hair follicles are taken one by one and then transplanted to the eyebrow area. This method is a less invasive option and is less likely to leave scars. The recovery time is faster.
FUT method: involves the harvesting of a strip of scalp. In this method, hair follicles are harvested in a strip and then transplanted into the eyebrow area. The FUT method can be more invasive than the FUE method and has a greater risk of scarring. However, it can be preferred in cases of greater excess hair loss.

Who is Eyebrow Transplant Suitable for?
Eyebrow transplantation is suitable for many people who want to have fuller and more attractive eyebrows. It can also be a solution for those who have problems in the eyebrow area such as eyebrow loss or eyebrow scarring.
Eyebrow Transplant Results
Eyebrow transplantation procedures generally give permanent results. In the post-procedure period, the transplanted eyebrow roots may fall out at first, but then they start to grow again. Therefore, it may be necessary to wait a few months to start seeing the results.
Eyebrow transplantation results usually offer a natural and aesthetic appearance. When the roots are placed at the right angle and density, the results can be quite pleasing. Taking good care of your eyebrows after the eyebrow transplant procedure and following your specialist’s recommendations can help you maintain the results for a long time.